Saturday, September 1, 2012

Episode 2 - "Hope"

“Hope is one of the Theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” - C.S. Lewis

I am astounded in a lot of ways. That sentence sums up my day. Just when a person thinks nothing can surprise them, they are blown away. Really, nothing extraordinary happened that I can explain to you in mere words. It's more like a feeling, which I do not base my faith entirely on, came over me. It's one that many people take for granted and some do not realize they even have it to use. What I'm talking about is a feeling of hope. Maybe this is why my all-time favorite movie is the Shawshank Redemption. Funny thing about that is it was written by the master of horror fiction, Stephen King. It amazes me that someone who makes a living scaring people devoted an entire story to the idea that there is a better future if you believe it.

In my case, I wasn't down earlier, but sometimes when you still live with your parents and all your friends are married with kids, living in their home they own, it brings you down a little. Plus, an opportunity I was excited about seems to have fallen through. So I wasn't very perky to say the least. I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to do what some people would be terrified to do, in getting on stage and making people laugh. It's coming up on seven years. That's like an entire television series, at least a hit anyway. Things don't always work out as people plan for them to, but there's always hope!

On a different note, I have a show this month, September 18th at the Gathering Church in Middletown with Jeffrey Jena and my fellow Comedy Odyssey partners. Looking forward to that one. If you're able to go it should be a really great show! I also recently went to see the band Fuel, live at the Greene in Dayton, OH. It was really neat to see a band that I can remember when they released their first big album, and see them still performing.

Fuel Concert at the Greene...

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!! Will see you soon!!

Forever In Christ,

Rich Jones

2 Corinthians 3:12
Therefore, since we have such a
hope, we are very bold.

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